Turning polythinkers into thought leaders

Transforming Your Diverse Talents into World-Changing Impact

The Journey is Hard, Don't Do It Alone

Shame. Rejection. Suppressed. Imposter Syndrome. Misfit.

Polymathic people battle these struggles every day.

We are referred to as: Generalist, Multidisciplined, Multidimensional, Multipotentialite, Jack-of-trades, Renaissance Man / Woman or a Polymath.

In the Renaissance era, polymathic people were revered and sought after to solve complex problems.

But modern polymathic people are shamed and dismissed by a society ruled by specialists who don’t understand that our Polymathic mind works differently.

Specialists diagnose us as "ADHD", or say to us:

'So, you are basically a Jack-of-all-trades, Master of None?'

'Why can't you stick to one thing? You know it's the only way to accomplish anything'

...or heard that inner voice say: 'something is wrong with me, I don't fit anywhere'

Trust Us, We've Been There

'PolyThinkers' as we call them, do not fit neatly into society's boxes.

We are:

• visionaries

• entrepreneurs

• creative artists

• full-stack creators
• pioneering scientists

• innovative problem solvers
• and box-breaking, bold trailblazers

We are the driving force behind breakthroughs that significantly improve our human experience.

In our suppressive, specialized world, we are more needed than ever to bridge the gaps and connect the dots of our exploding new knowledge.

Specialists don't realize that our main superpower is cross-pollinating knowledge and skills across domains to provide new insights, unique perspectives, and breakthrough solutions.

Society undervalues our diverse expertise, often labeling us as amateurs, oblivious to the reality that the fusion of multiple fields ignites innovation!

PolyThinkers need a place to hang out and grow our crazy ideas.

And just like you, we tried specialized communities. But each time, we had to push pieces of ourselves into the shadows.

People could not handle our wide-ranging ideas, leading us to hide unique parts of our true selves.

TBH, it made us feel even more like we did not belong anywhere because we fit in a bit everywhere.

It’s a deflating feeling, a battle against invisibility amidst a sea of specialists.

So then, we checked out communities for multipotentialites, generalists, aspiring polymaths, and even people with genius IQ's.

Each of them caters to only ONE specific spot on what we call the polymathic spectrum.

In those groups, there is nowhere to grow.

No place to be mentored by those further than you.

For polymaths, there's no place to mentor others or mutual peer mentorship.

Who knew pursuing the camaraderie of other polymathics would be so hard to find?

That's a journey no one should walk alone.

This realization sparked the creation of:

The PolyThinkers Think Tank

For Creative Thinkers, Innovators, and Problem Solvers with Unique Skill Stacks.

All PolyThinkers journeys are unique, but we all benefit from:

✓ A haven for your multi-faceted ideas and questions

✓ Cutting edge education and masterminds

✓ Enriching relationships & global networking

✓ Interactive collaborations with multidisciplinary thinkers like you

✓ Exclusive access to proven advice and powerful tools

INside The PolyThinkers THink Tank

The PolyThinkers Think Tank was created to meet the needs of polymathics who want to take their curiosity to the next level. We understand your needs because we’ve been there.

The PolyThinkers Think Tank is made up of three core pillars:

Connect & Grow

Connect with other polythinkers who “get it” and are truly invested in supporting each other on the same mission to smarter thinking and faster growth. You get to brainstorm and highlight your projects. Plus, get help on how to amplify your unique voice worldwide.


Access interactive events exclusive to Pro members that address your needs for work and personal growth. Exclusive Access Pass to our entire catalog of masterclasses. Plus, learn how to monetize your mind and skills with top tips, strategies and resources.

PolyThinkers Support

Ask high-level thinkers & doers for fast feedback. Plus, PolyThinkers lead team are regular participants, whether it’s an Ask Me Anything (AMA) hosted by Samantha, a Social Media Masterclass hosted by a member, or answering your questions.

Wall of Love

Joshua Kangley

Joshua Kangley

"Finally, a Community I Belong In!

This think tank has allowed me to step into myself instead of shy away—I feel right at home in this group and amongst the other members.

Until I joined, I couldn’t even begin to explain how the multiple ideas, and multiple interests I wanted to achieve, made up who I am as a Polymath. I wasn’t aware I could define myself this way. I always felt a bit of the odd one-out.

I joined the beta group, and already the value has been made evident. Being in this community helped me to thrive in so many more ways. The coaching helped me gain confidence to run my own successful workshop on co-authoring. The member support made me feel welcomed and secure while adding further development to my skill sets.

I love the masterclasses; when we get together, I learn so much from what other members teach me as well. With the ability to teach and to learn in the community, I can develop my thoughts and gain better thinking.

I look forward to the forum posts from other members. The cool thing is that these thoughts and ideas become developments and actual things that members work on. That's the exciting part!

I have never felt a sense of belonging as I do here. I have learned so much from all these amazing Polymaths already, and I can’t wait to learn more and see where my growth takes me.

If you’re polymathic, I recommend that you join; it is more than worth it; the value is priceless."

Polythinkers premium

Collaborative think tank.
Smarter thinking.
Faster growth.


Like-minded community of multi-talented people committed to growing and achieving the most in life.


Highlight your projects and achievements. Get help on how to amplify your unique voice worldwide.


Monetize your mind and skills with tips, strategies and resources. Plus, inside, ask top minds for feedback.


Members only. Brainstorm your projects with high-level thinkers & doer's to fast-track success. AMA's.

Become a Renaissance trailblazer
in the Global digital age

Join other trail blazers getting insights that feed your intellect,

Unable to find form


How is PolyThinkers different from other Mastermind Memberships?

We are the only polymathic think tank that exists in the world. Therefore, we are the ONLY polymathic place that truly appreciates the depth and breadth of your extraordinary polymathy mind.

Plus, when you get stuck, need advice, or resources, you have instant access to a group of polymathics, like you.

Imagine instantly getting to ask 10 versions of you with different skills, experiences, knowledge, and perspectives to help you fast.

For every 10 polymaths, it’s like getting access to 30+ of the world’s best problem solvers. That’s quite the treasure chest to hold. Plus, you can publish many of our members unique insights for the world to benefit under the umbrella of a polymath.

*Note: Big asks from other members, formal services or coaching may require hiring arrangements between you. Many of our members offer special pricing to other members. However, it’s up to them.

Is it true? I've heard whispers that you're turning the insights of your members into published books for the world to read.

Wow, words travels fast! We love it.

Yes, in the future, exclusive to our membership, you get the opportunity to be featured in our publications, anthology style. Picture a collection of writings like "Chicken Soup for the Soul," but by you and other authors from our PolyThinkers Think-Tank.

Here's how it will work:

Our members submit book title ideas, the membership votes on which book to publish, the ones with the most votes win.

Topics range from Intellectual Curiosity, Relationships, Emotional Intelligence, Wellness, Holistic Health, Mental Adaptability, Decision-Making, Finance, Career Development, Professional Strategy, Parenting and more, all aimed at showcasing the synergy of collective wisdom.

One topic is chosen at a time, our members get a stylistic guide with a submission deadline a maximum word count (ex: 1,500 words). The best stories (contributions) are selected and published publicly with your author credit and your social links. You read that right!

How cool is that? You grow your thought leadership, and a 1000x times easier and faster than trying to publish an entire book on your own.

Imagine, ONE or more of these books has your name listed as an esteemed author!

Here are 10 Book Title Ideas:

• Heart and Mind: Mastering Emotion and Intellect

• The Creative Child: Fostering Intellectual Curiosity

• Nurturing Genius: A Guide to Raising Polymathic Kids

• Holistic Harmony: A Polymath’s Approach to Wellness

• Resilient Spirit: Polymath Strategies for Personal Growth

• Flexible Thinking: A Polymath's Guide to Mental Adaptability

• Patterns of Genius: Polymathic Strategies for Decision-Making

• Educating the Polymath: Strategies for Multidimensional Learning

• Master of Many Trades: A Polymath’s Path in the Professional World

• Wealth of Wisdom: Financial Strategies from a Polymath's Perspective

Might as well just sign up now!

What kind of activities will I get the chance to join inside?

We have a growing knowledge library inside.

We'll have regular live sessions, AUA (Ask US anything) - where you get to ask the group to help you get unstuck, and chat-style ongoing discussions.

Every single live session is recorded and added to the library. There is a wealth of knowledge in there, presented by polymathics for polymathics. Attend the live session or watch them when it works best for you.


• Ask what you want

• Suggest what you want

• Connect to other polythinkers

That's not all...

Read about publishing opportunities above.

We have a ton more planned, but we will ask our membership what they want us to build next.

Your People. Your Path. Your Place to Grow.

Connect. Cultivate. Create.


Take your business to the next level

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Polythinkers premium

Collaborative think tank.
Smarter thinking.
Faster growth.


Like-minded community of multi-talented people committed to growing and achieving the most in life.


Highlight your projects and achievements. Get help on how to amplify your unique voice worldwide.


Monetize your mind and skills with tips, strategies and resources. Plus, inside, ask top minds for feedback.


Members only. Brainstorm your projects with high-level thinkers & doer's to fast-track success. AMA's.

We Are Not Open To The Public Yet

We will be accepting a limited number if early adopters from our waitlist. For updates and inquiries, get on our "Early Access" waitlist now.

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Proudly Powered by IBH.